
Innovating Pediatric Care: 3D Printing at Seattle Children’s Hospital

Seattle Children’s Hospital can scan, and print, a human trachea. Surgeons will then use these prints to practice different techniques, and find the one that works best for the patient. 3D Printing is saving the lives of kids.

Hospital link (Clinical Airway and Esophageal Center) – https://www.seattlechildrens.org/clinics/airway-esophageal-center/?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAq4KuBhA6EiwArMAw1J73pqgswsktuU4PvdQ5y1B3RCgJ3Bz0cSIgpr6rWTbtDy53ndzLRhoCwhMQAvD_BwE

Research link (Center for Respiratory Biology and Therapeutics – CRBT) – https://www.seattlechildrens.org/research/centers-programs/respiratory-biology-and-therapeutics/

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Proto Pasta ▶ http://3d.pn/protopasta (aff)

Nikko Industries 3D Printable Models ▶ https://bit.ly/3lK0WHi

Host: Joel Telling ▶ https://twitter.com/joeltelling
Executive Producer: David Tobin ▶ https://twitter.com/David_Tobin
The Website ▶ https://the3dprintingnerd.com

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3D Printing Nerd
PO Box 55532
Shoreline, WA 98155

Music in Episodes Comes From:
Epidemic Sound – http://3d.pn/epidemicsound
Future Vega – https://futurevega.sourceaudio.com
Audio Micro – http://www.audiomicro.com/royalty-free-music

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