3D Printing / Matter Control Touch / Form Futura / Cake Cutter / Poo Emoji – Nerd Vlog 004
Nerd Vlog 004 is here!
– Form Futura IS SPONSORING MY CHANNEL! They are sending some CarbonFil filament my way to review AND for me to print something to give away! Do you have any questions about Carbon Fiber filament? What should I print with it to give away?
– I’m going to be reviewing the Matter Control Touch from Matterhackers very soon. Do you have any questions, or is there anything specific you want to know? Let me know in the comments!
– My T-Rex shower head print and what went wrong with it. I’m retiring it from my Etsy store.
– iPhone 5 / 6 cord protectors! Printed in Colorfabb PLA and strong as whoa. SO COOL AND USEFUL.
– Cake cutter! I 3D printed a cake cutter because my awesome wife wanted to make an awesome birthday cake for me.
– GIGANTIC poo emoji 3D prints! Huge! 10″ x 11″! In multiple colors! As big as my head!
– Last but not least, the AT-BT! My friend Caleb created the All Terrain Beats Transport and showcased it at San Diego Comic Con. I have a print of the schematics, and it’s glorious. Contact Caleb here: https://www.facebook.com/calebpaullusillustration
Please watch: “Fan Mail Friday – On a Saturday!”