3D Printing Geek & Sundry logo for Felicia Day
My wife and I had the chance to see Felicia Day for her book signing tour stop in Seattle. Once I knew we were going, I knew I *had* to 3D print SOMETHING for her. I took her Geek & Sundry company logo, used Illustrator to trace it, and extruded the parts I wanted into 3d space using Photoshop. From there, I loaded my gMax 1.5 XT 3d printer with Colorfabb PLA/PHA filament, and printed out this awesome model.
I printed more than one, and left a few with Felicia Day. I was able to get her to sign one of them, and I have it here with me. Want to own that one? Details coming soon 🙂
Music used: Parallaxing Atmosphere by Jens Kiilstofte https://machinimasound.com/music/parallaxing-atmosphere/
Licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)
Please watch: “Fan Mail Friday – On a Saturday!”